Πίνακας Ελέγχου

Υψηλή Αντίθεση
Διαβάθμιση Γκρι
Μέγεθος Γραμμάτων
Γραμματοσειρά Δυσλεκτικών


We invest in the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the utmost quality in our services. Wide format print & cut printing machines with 1.37 and 1.60m roll width. Super wide format 3.20m. Printing quality up to 1440 dpi cmyk lm, lc, lk & white colour. Finishing with laminating machines & thermal binding.


New-generation digital sheet printing for premium results in your printed materials. Plasticising, gluing, laminating, spiral binding machines for finishing. Digital cutters for cutting materials such as paper, pvc, kappa mount - sticker engraving. Placed by our own team throughout Greece.

espa 2014-2020